Friday, December 18, 2009


My name as given to me Paa Nazdir Ammunubi Re Akh Ptah Djeti Kalun Fadun is Baasukha. He has told me that I am Set and that is the name that I am going to use to express and to set right that which has been crooked.
I am always and will be a Nuwaupian, and a student of Paa Nazdir.
I will begin by stating that I have been a reader of the Paa Nazir's books since I was 13. In total some 15 plus years that I have been reading and growing spiritually and most of all mentally since I was exposed to the information that he has brought forth. I have been in his presence on numerous occasions and was never intimidated sexually or otherwise. He has only made me feel welcome and has smiled at me and welcomed me each time that I was in his presence.
Unfortunately I have to preface what I need to say with this information because once again, we are being attacked by negative forces that seek to control the minds and the thoughts of free thinking people. This may sound cliche but the fact that it sounds like old news when someone is trying to steal your mind and your soul away from you should be enough to scare you into fighting to get it back, or at least for self autonomy.
I MOVED of my free WILL to Atlanta Ga to be closer to him as he is my spiritual guide and Master, we all have spiritual guides and Masters, mines happens to look like me and is from Africa where all spiritual guides and Masters should be from in the first place. That is not racism its a fact. The cult center of the world is in Egipt which is in AFRICA. I was there and witnessed him turn a barn on 476 acres of land in Putnam County into a Cultural Center of awareness for the world. There were flags from every nation that flew on that land. Every religion and every culture was represented and welcome. YES even so called "white people" were welcomed and most important their children.
In an effort to keep us from going to clubs in Atlanta, he built a center for music and dance on that same land called Ramses Theatre, not only was there food and non-alchoholic beverages, but there was safety for us all and there was no fighting there was no prostitution, there was no vioaltion of people or peoples rights. We were in fact peaceful people. He took responsibility for peoples children when they could not or would not. He made the illiterate to read when they thought that there was nothing worth reading. I was there I saw it.
My testimony is not from second hand its not from other people I was there. I was with him. I helped build some of the pyramids that were on that land. I helped put on shows that were on the land. I sat and was lectured to by him on the cosmology of the universe, the understanding of relationships between men and women, the science of creation, the origin of indigenous peoples on the planet, the mind and how it decieves us, women and the proper way to treat them, the understanding of money, the nature of how the universe works and my relationship to it, I can go on and on. There were over 400 books that he has written and the subjects are vast.
It is no wonder that a single black man well into his 50's, that built pyramids in Putnam Co in Georgia is now in jail on charges that were made up by people that were scared of the fact that he brought both so called "blacks" and so called "whites" together under the pyramids in the west.
None of his accomplishments are mentioned on the internet unless they are followed by slanderous attacks on his character. It is time now begin to question those that so quickly dismantle our leaders guides and teachers when they are not replacing what they are taking away from us. This is not just about him Paa Nazdir this is about any and all those that are persecuted and prosecuted falsely.
Its no wonder that we are not able to tell the truth from the lie when the both the truth and lie ( media) are being controlled by those that manipulate information to their advantage. How can we rely on the the testimony of the media to explain or tell what and who this man actutally is. We watch the news now with a skeptical eye now and are quick to discard half of what is said as bunk and then call ourselves "investingating" by getting on the internet and "looking" up the issue. Satan can't cast out Satan. It is only by investigating and getting all the information that you can come to a conclusion that is sound and makes sense.
Fact, this country has a history of persecuting anything that is not consistent with the normal Anglo Saxon, European cosmology or aesthetic. There was a civil rights movement for heavily melanated people just some 40yrs ago, how do we expect that this man is not going to be put in jail and falsely accused and arrested. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE NORM.
Just ask yourself on a personal level how much have you ignored the infringement of others on your ability to think clearly?
We have become mentally lazy and thus do not have the right to life as a result. We have got to stop allowing our minds to be locked away literally and physically for the purposes of control and use by those that seek to control us. NOT JUST SO CALLED BLACKS BUT ALL PEOPLE ON THE PLANET!!!
When does it stop, Paa Nazdir is a man that came to give us a chance to prove to ourselves that we can be better to each other, that we can respect and love ourselves and not be ashamed and we responded by locking him up and then allowing the whole thing to crystalize as the norm. Our souls are under attack, our children are under attack, our minds are under attack. The very essence of why we call ourselves a human species is under attack and the right for us to rule this planet is being taken away.
Not only do we have to work to get him out, but we have to work to free our minds back to clarity, back to a place in the universe that allows us to be respected by nature. That is why there are floods and earthquakes and landslides.
Very quickly, stay with me. Nature is composed of the collective consiousness of our minds before incarnating into these bodies and after we are out of it. If we are not respecting the culture of the minds that are in the natural bodies that we live in, then how can we expect nature itself to not seek to destroy us when we seek to destroy ourselves?
Paa Nazdir is a representation of the higher self. If you read any of his books then you will see that. We must work to free him whether you know him or not.
The freedom of Paa Nazdir is the return of the our souls back to our bodies and the homecoming of our natural mind.

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned that you were giving the name Set. There are many explanations of the name such as the negative connotations prescribed by Egyptian lore as being the evil twin brother of Horus. Can you please explain your understanding of the name?
